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Services & Programs

What we offer for you.

Carcosa offers three sections of treatment:  the actual in-person treatment process which occurs while the individual is incarcerated, the outpatient treatment where our parole officers and social workers maintain contact, and family treatments that are established for individuals with children.


All therapeutic programs are hosted in the basement section of our institute. Carcosa is not responsible for any incidents that may occur from these treatments.

Image by Egor Gordeev


The treatment process occurs while the individual is incarcerated in Carcosa. The patient is assigned a certified doctor who will have weekly therapy sessions with the patient in order to establish a root source of their actions and work with the inmate to form a rehabilitation plan.

Image by Ramiro Pianarosa

Outpatient Treatment

The outpatient program is designed for those individuals who are released from Carcosa. This program pairs the individual with a parole officer and a social worker who will maintain contact with the individual and, if need be, arrange for the individual to receive psychological treatment in Attollo.

Image by Jude Beck

Family Care

The family care program is a specialized program that permits the prisoner to retrieve treatment while having valued interaction time with their children. We at Carcosa have a firm belief in family, and believe that permitting continued visitations is critical for healthy rehabilitation.

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